Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Unconditional Acceptance

We frame people. We limit them within finite spaces and expect them to stay there, never move backwards nor forward. We expect them to fit perfectly within the silhouette that we consciously drew with our very specific expectations. And when an incident after another occur, and with every interaction we make with these people, we discover new dimensions to their personality... Dimensions that we haven't calculated or taken into consideration... Dimensions that might be too big to too small to fit on the frames we have created in the beginning. 

I've come to this conclusion after I myself have been put within frames that I couldn't bear to be put in. I disappointed so many people by simply being a different image of what they have expected from me to be. Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of us enjoy the look of disappointment in other people's eyes, especially people that matter.

We just need to accept that we each come with different frames that contain and bring together what make us what we are. I know this is not as easy as it sounds, understanding that people come as is is hard and we cannot just stuff them in the void we want and need them to fill. It might take me time to understand this and act upon it, but I will reach that point. Until then, I send you all lots of love... Whoever you are and wherever you are...



  1. i love this post, it is very raw and honest.
    If i may , i would like to express my opinion. Unfortunately unconditional acceptance is a concept that many of us try to have and maintain, but at some point, because we are human its cannot span everything in life, we will have a judgemental moment at one point or another, it may last for all about 5 seconds, but it will still be there. Take heart habibti , dont be too hard on yourself, because of what you think or what others think. People that matter put you in a frame, because this is the image they would like to see you in. But i find what works for me, is to show them my corners that are bendable all along. <3 <3 <3 Other than that writing about it its the first step of unconditional acceptance ! I truly love this post

  2. Thank you Sahar very much for your feedback. You are absolutely right in every word you said. I just don't necessarily like it when people -who have just met me- put me in a specific frame just because I am a Lebanese Muslim working female (in addition to many other labels of course).

  3. It's a very wise observation.. one that will manifest itself in action with the passage of time.. keep growing and learning and listening to that voice :-)

  4. Abdallah thanks habibi. Appreciate your support <3
